An unconventional immigration story, Besties Borders and Barks, is a female centered comedy adventure of two peculiar friends who travel to a film festival in Amsterdam in the hope of generating press for a Green Card application.
Following her husband’s accident, Teresa is desperate to get US residency for her paraplegic husband to have access to better care and a better life. A simple plan turns into an ill-conceived crusade landing them in the wrong place at the wrong time. On their way to the festival, a series of unexpected events lead them on a chaotic journey filled with wild turns, culminating in them being persecuted by the Dutch police and unwittingly foiling a Morrocan drug cartel assassination.
Teresa is a strong, hands-on woman that makes things happen for her family, but her clumsy attempts at getting what her family needs, is comical. On the other hand, Sabrina is her highly dramatic, quirky, dog-obsessed best friend who means well, but ends up turning situations into little disasters. Together they embark on this mission and discover that if you try hard enough, you may not get what you want but you will get what you need. Ironically, they end up getting the press they wanted, but realize that what they really needed was their friendship.
We are looking for a Co-Producing partner to develop, shoot, and help distribute the film.
Feature Film
Adventure -Gal Pals – Sentimental
Pitch Deck and Development Materials Available Upon Request